Is Counselling Effective?

At Evolve Counselling, we believe that the following 2 factors are essential in order for the counselling process to be effective:

Factor #1:

A suitably qualified Counsellor who supports you to travel from the ‘known and familiar’ territory of your life into territory where fresh possibilities are uncovered.  In other words, your Counsellor must have the skills to ask you the kinds of questions you don’t immediately know the answers to.  Talking about things you already know or have already thought about is unlikely to allow change to occur.  However, going to places you haven’t yet been, or even re-visiting familiar places in a different way is what creates space for new possibilites to emerge.

Factor #2:

Your willingness to venture into new territory to make new discoveries, and to take those new discoveries with you into your own life after you leave the counselling room.  The conversations that take place within the counselling room are really important, but even more important is how you choose to live your life outside of the counselling room!  Remaining connected to the discoveries you make with us means that your hopes will become a reality.

Evolve Counselling guarantees that we will deliver factor #1 but factor #2 is up to you.  Contact us anytime for a conversation about how we can work together to create an effective partnership that really makes a difference in your life.

& speak directly to Felicity to book an appointment